Online video hosting services are specifically tailored social networking sites intended for users who want to upload, share and distribute their video clips. Many of these video hosting networks offer the basic features and limited server space of their site for free and charge a premium for the advanced features and hosting a large volume of video files (this business model is known as "Freemium"). Once uploaded, users can search a large collection of homemade and professional videos, comment on them and share them with their friends and family.
YouTube is a free social networking site owned and operated by Google dedicated to sharing user-generated videos. YouTube videos are "embeddable," meaning Web content creators can copy a unique link to a YouTube video and embed it on their own Web page, blog or social network. YouTube users are given a "channel," which is a central location that allows users to share uploaded videos, allow comments on the videos and read any other information the user wants to share. YouTube is an incredibly popular source for publishing and sharing videos online; in fact, 100,000,000 videos are viewed on YouTube everyday. Thirteen hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Even though YouTube is the most popular video sharing site, there are a few others you should know about:
- Flickr Video
- SchoolTube
- Vimeo
For your consideration:
- Most video network sites utilize the Adobe Flash Player to playback videos.
- Many video social networks offer their videos to be played back in Standard Quality (around 320x240), High Quality (around 480x360), and High Definition (around 1280x720).
- Most video network sites do not offer the capability to download most videos from the site.
- Users with video-enabled phones can upload videos directly from their phone to video social network sites.
- Video social networking sites are subject to very strict copyright regulations due to the fact that many of these sites have very few pre-screening features.
- The entire youtube website is now available with localized versions in 22 countries.
- YouTube allows users to embed
What did you think of "An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube?"
good and funny
What makes a "viral video" go viral? Humor is often a characteristic of viral videos, but not a defining one. A viral video is any video that's passed electronically, from person to person, regardless of its content.
When exploring YouTube, how did you discover new videos? Through specific search terms or browsing related videos? yes, search terms and brwosing.
How might you use YouTube as a way to engage your audience? sharing information and presentations like the one of the youtuve anthropolgical intrudction or teaching 101 of social media.
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